HoHoHo Contaract Address:


ETH: 0xb03619e663b37d09cc205986052673db4e3b1148

BSC: 0x14940169E2Db1595CDD3CACd30DECC5bbB4d9f19


Coming Soon

X Verse Beta

Download Below


Coming Soon


HoHoHo Contaract Address:


ETH: 0xb03619e663b37d09cc205986052673db4e3b1148

BSC: 0x14940169E2Db1595CDD3CACd30DECC5bbB4d9f19

Click above to experience the SantaFloki ecosystem

Santa Floki’s NFTs

NFTs earned in the P2E game

Anniversary Edition NFTs


Santa Floki Stops

  • Q4, 2022

NFT staking completion
Santa Floki Rush v1.0 launch
Santa Floki Rush gaming NFT’s
Anniversary edition NFT launch​

  • Q1, 2023

Santa Floki Rush v2.0 3D development
Santaverse in production

Good Deeds

RANKED 2nd donations of all cryptocurrencies that have donated to Save the Children

Total Donated:
59.57356484 ETH

The Holiday season is about giving. Here, it’s Christmas 365!



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RISK STATEMENT– The trading of Santa Floki Tokens ($HoHoHo) or alternative cryptocurrencies has potential rewards, as well as risks involved. Trading may not be suitable for all people. Anyone wishing to invest should seek his or her own independent financial or professional advice.